Guidance updates

  • The guidance went through several rounds of user research and we updated it to make it clearer.

1. How to claim

Screenshot of 1. How to claim

Updated and clarified. Made the link to the service clearer

User Research

Better but the call to action to start using the service is still not clear enough.

2. Travel

Screenshot of 2. Travel

Simplified all guidance into a table rather than having a combination of text and table, shorter and clearer

User Research


3. Overnight stay

Screenshot of 3. Overnight stay

Simplified and reordered the amounts. Combined amounts to make it easier to understand

User Research

Better but users still not clear on who paid for their stay if the cps/court/wakefield paid for it

4. Food and drink

Screenshot of 4. Food and drink

Simplified and made a bit shorter

User Research

Is clear

5. Loss of earnings

Screenshot of 5. Loss of earnings

A little bit shorter and simpler to reflect the policy change to pay a fixed amount of £67 a day to people who’ve taken an unpaid day off.

User Research

Clear but need to update self-employed to add proof options that are easier to get.

6. Care and childcare

Screenshot of 6. Care and childcare

Made shorter and simpler

User Research

Need to help users understand whether they childcare is ofsted registered or not.

7. Pet sitting

Screenshot of 7. Pet sitting

Not changed, but we will remove this in future.

8. Other expenses

Screenshot of 8. Other expenses


9. Make a claim v2

Screenshot of 9. Make a claim v2

We started to experiment with adding the guidance to the top of the start page to make it clearer to users where they could get guidance and where to go once they have seen the guidance.

User Research

In testing, will update in a later post when we have the UR.