- The policy was confusing users so we simplified the way it was presented by combining allowances into one and changing the order and content on the journey to make it clearer.
1. Choose whether to claim

Simplified and clearer content. For instance the first bullet is clearer about what the specific crtieria is.
User Research
Clear to users
2. Did you pay? Yes

We’ve swapped around the questions so users are not longer asked if the court paid.
User Research
Users preferred this option, it was clearer and simpler.
3. Why did you have to stay?

Options have been clarified to make the reasons more specific.
User Research
4. How much did it cost?

This was tweaked to ask the user to enter the full amount they paid for accomodation.
User Research
Is clear, users put in the full amount but know they will only get £95 back.
5. Did you pay? No

6. Did you stay with friends and family? Yes

User Research
This is clear
7. Why did you have to stay?

Same as point 3
8. Did you stay with friends and family? No

8. Did you have to pay for an evening meal?

Content made simpler and clearer
User Research
Users understood this.