Childcare updates

  • We updated and added new sections to this based on policy and UR.

1. Choose whether to claim

Screenshot of 1. Choose whether to claim

We made the content on this page clearer and simpler. Users who don’t know if there childcare provider is ofsted registered can check on the Ofsted website.

User Research


2. Ofsted registered? Yes

Screenshot of 2. Ofsted registered? Yes

Branching users to the correct amount page

User Research


3. Enter amount paid

Screenshot of 3. Enter amount paid

Users can claim for the full cost of childcare from an Ofsted registered provider, as long as they have a receipt.

User Research


4. Ofsted registered? No

Screenshot of 4. Ofsted registered? No

5. Enter amount you paid

Screenshot of 5. Enter amount you paid

Users can only claim £67 per day because their child was not looked after by a Ofsted registered childminder. They will still need a receipt for this

User Research
