Loss of pay updates

  • We changed policy based on UR to make it easier for users to claim for loss of pay.
  • Users don’t need to work out (or ask their employers) how much they lost by taking an unpaid day off work.

1. Choose what to claim

Screenshot of 1. Choose what to claim

We updated this to add ‘including director of a limited company’ to the employed section. On the current form we often have directors of Ltd companies claiming self employment which is incorrect.

User Research


2. Check unpaid day off

Screenshot of 2. Check unpaid day off

Made simpler as we changed the policy to give everyone who claims this £67 for a full day and £33.50 for a half day.

User Research


3. Amount of time off work

Screenshot of 3. Amount of time off work

We used a similar template and content structure that we’ve used elsewhere to ask similar questions.

User Research


4. Proof of employment

Screenshot of 4. Proof of employment

We tweaked this to make it clearer the the payslip will need to be uploaded later with other receipts.

User Research


5. Check details

Screenshot of 5. Check details

We updated this to cater for both users who are ltd company directors who need to give their companies info and those who are employed and need to give their employers details

User Research

Is a bit confusing, we need to split out the Ltd Co info from the employed.