We wanted to test a couple of different ways the user could move through the journey - a standard linear journey, a task list and a personalised task list where users choose what they want to claim and then see it presented as a task list.
This is the personalised task list version.
tl:dr - it didn’t really work as users assumed they were going to put the details in as they were doing the personalisation, and they preferred a linear version.
1. Start

A rough start page. Not really testing in detail at this point, is just to get the user through and to see the linear vs task list journey.
User Research
Not really testing this at this point
2. Details

Again a rough screen to make the journey seem a bit more believable. Not really testing in detail at this point
User Research
Not really testing this at this point
3. Email confirmation

Again a rough screen to make the journey seem a bit more believable. Not really testing in detail at this point
User Research
Not really testing this at this point
4. Who are you claiming for

Again a rough screen to make the journey seem a bit more believable. Not really testing in detail at this point
User Research
Not really testing this at this point
5. Your job

This is rough, but was trying to see how users react to choosing the things they wanted to claim for upfront. We weren’t really testing the detail on this page
User Research
Users generally understood that answering yes or no would allow them to claim or not but they didn’t all connect it with the task list that shows later, they assumed they would be able to enter amounts after these qualification screens.
6. Overnight stay

This is rough, but was trying to see how users react to choosing the things they wanted to claim for upfront. We weren’t really testing the detail on this page
User Research
Users generally understood that answering yes or no would allow them to claim or not but they didn’t all connect it with the task list that shows later, they assumed they would be able to enter amounts after these qualification screens.
7. Travel costs

This is rough, but was trying to see how users react to choosing the things they wanted to claim for upfront. We weren’t really testing the detail on this page
User Research
Users generally understood that answering yes or no would allow them to claim or not but they didn’t all connect it with the task list that shows later, they assumed they would be able to enter amounts after these qualification screens.
8. Childcare

This is rough, but was trying to see how users react to choosing the things they wanted to claim for upfront. We weren’t really testing the detail on this page
User Research
Users generally understood that answering yes or no would allow them to claim or not but they didn’t all connect it with the task list that shows later, they assumed they would be able to enter amounts after these qualification screens.
9. Pet sitting

This is rough, but was trying to see how users react to choosing the things they wanted to claim for upfront. We weren’t really testing the detail on this page
User Research
Users generally understood that answering yes or no would allow them to claim or not but they didn’t all connect it with the task list that shows later, they assumed they would be able to enter amounts after these qualification screens.
10. Task list

This task list updated to only show the criteria that everyone had to fill out (e.g. food) or the areas that users had said yes to earlier. This meant that users didn’t see areas that they didn’t want to claim for and had been primed with more info about how much they could claim and what they needed.
There were several hypothesis behind this:
- Users wouldn’t have to go through the whole form and see irrelevant stuff
- Users could fill in each section when they wanted rather than in a set order
- Users can see upfront what they could claim for and get things like receipts ready
- Save and continue would likely work better with this format
User Research
It sort of worked, users were receptive to it and were generally positive.
They didn’t all connect the questions they were asked earlier,
However they preferred the linear version. We also noticed some things that would be an issue, users said they wanted to do receipts all in on go at the end of the process however they usually missed the section to upload receipts in this version.