
  1. Loss of pay updates

    The current process makes it difficult for users to claim for loss of pay

  2. Childcare updates

    We updated and simplified the childcare section based on UR.

  3. Carer addition

    Adult care is not a section in the current process. However it seemed unfair to users to allow childcare but not adult care.

  4. Overnight stay changes

    Overnight stay was a little confusing for users so we updated the content and journey to make it clearer

  5. I don't have all my receipts

    The policy was tweaked to allow users who didn’t have all their receipts to give us a ‘good reason’ in order to get paid

  6. Guidance updates

    Updated guidance based on user research

  7. Travel variations

    Variations on asking for how users travelled and how they can claim expenses for this

  8. Food variations

    Variations on asking for how long a user has been in court to determine the food allowance they could claim

  9. First guidance

    First draft prototype of the guidance content

  10. First linear prototype

    Testing initial ideas and length of journey. Not all sections are in here

  11. Where should the receipts be uploaded

    Should users upload the receipts at the start, as they go or at the end

  12. Linear version

    Would a linear journey work better than task list options?

  13. Personalised task list variation

    Should it use the standard linear journey or would a task list or similar be better?

  14. Task list variation

    Should it use the standard linear journey or would a task list or similar be better?