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Resources for Testing

Test Environments

There are a number of Test Instances available and the following table compares their features, the most accurate representation of the Production System are CIN4 and the Model office.

Test Environment Table
Has instance of CMS Classic & WMS Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes
Hand instance of CMS Modern Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: close No
Has instance of MIS Icon: check Yes ? ? Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: check Yes Icon: close No Icon: check Yes Icon: close No
Has connection to CPS WAN Icon: check Yes ? Icon: check Yes Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes
Accessible remotely by CPS users Icon: check Yes ? Icon: check Yes Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes
Has connection to CJSE over PSN Icon: check Yes Icon: close No ? Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: check Yes Icon: close No Icon: check Yes
Has Court Store connection Icon: check Yes Icon: close No ? Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: check Yes Icon: close No Icon: check Yes Icon: close No
Has DCS connection Icon: check Yes Icon: close No ? Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: check Yes Icon: close No Icon: check Yes Icon: close No
Has connection to email gateway Icon: check Yes ? ? Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes
Has an AEM Bundler service Icon: check Yes ? ? Icon: check Yes Icon: close No Icon: close No Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes Icon: check Yes

Download an Excel sheet of the above table.

Access to Test Environments

The process for getting access to CIN2, 3, 4 and 5 is as follows

  1. Navigate to the service request on CPS ServiceNow Test Account Form

  2. With regard to the Name field, add your name if it is for a personal user account. If it is for a system account, add the name you want.

  3. Add your Contact Number.

  4. Add your Email address.

  5. For Directorate, select HQ DID.

  6. For What would you like to do? – select Create New CMS Test Account

  7. For CMS Home Unit, enter Hull.

  8. For CMS Additional Units, select none.

  9. For CMS User Role, select admin.

  10. For CMS Additional Roles, select none.

  11. Select the name of the environment you want to access.

  12. Add a Business Justification – e.g. Application development/support for the DDEI application which integrates with CMS.

  13. For Site, select your CPS office location. Mine is CPS - AGO Petty France London. I found this out by going to the "Sent Items" folder in Outlook, right-clicked my email address and selected "Open Outlook Properties".

How to get access to the Model Office

To request access to the Model Office you need to contact the relevant Contact for the area you are working in. For most developers in DID, this translates to the DTS contact in the list of contacts for Model office accounts.

Work in Progress!

This site is a work in progress and any opinions contained here are intended to spark discussion within each discipline's community of practice.

Last update: 2023-07-26
Created: 2023-07-26