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Discovery Playbook

Note: Work in Progress

This playbook is a direct copy of the GDS agile guidelines and serves as a starting point for CPS specific implementations.

Before you commit to building a service, you need to understand the problem that needs to be solved.

That means learning about:

  • your users and what they're trying to achieve
  • any constraints you'd face making changes to how the service is run - for example because of technology or legislation
  • the underlying policy intent you've been set up to address - this is the thing that government wants to change or make happen
  • opportunities to improve things - by sharing data with other teams, for example

This part of your project is called the discovery phase.

What you learn during discovery should help you work out whether you want to move forward to the alpha phase. Running an alpha means you've decided that the benefits of looking further into the problem outweigh the cost.

You should not start building your service in discovery.

Work in Progress!

This site is a work in progress and any opinions contained here are intended to spark discussion within each discipline's community of practice.

Last update: 2023-07-28
Created: 2023-06-26