Cultural Charter © 2022 NTT DATA. All Rights Reserved. • Click to edit Master text styles • Second level • Third level • Fourth level • Fifth level Cultural Charter November 2023 Simple, intuitive tools and safe access todata enables colleagues to focus on highquality casework to support the delivery ofjusticeOur dedication to meeting userneeds saves colleagues’ timeProactive security empowerspeople to work safelyAn inquisitive, inclusive team buildsdigital confidenceEfficient processes make it easier todeliver valueSimple, intuitive toolsand safe access to dataenables colleagues tofocus on high qualitycasework to supportthe delivery of justiceOur culturalcharter fits intomission 3Foreword:When you join the Digital and Information Directorate, we are certain we already have some valuesin common. Individuality and diversity of thought is encouraged, and our charter is intended to setout our preferred ways of working within safe and positive boundaries.There are five key themes that help to define the things that are important to us.We can earn trust by:showing interest, helping others, acknowledging when we are wrong, protecting data,managingexpectations, sharing vulnerabilities.We trust one anotherWe will be transparent about our intentions and have faith in others to do what they say they willdo. We will take care of the information others share with us and be accountable for our actionswhen executing challenging activities. We are empowered to take ownership aspractitionersinourown field.We can experiment by:being courageous, embracing discomfort, sharing knowledge. Nothing transformational comes fromstanding still, and even small learning opportunities count. Our aim is to be in a better place thanwhen we started even if we face adversity and disappointment along the way.We are experimentalWe love evidence, detail, and data. But we also want to be comfortable accepting risks that comewith moving forward when required. We understand failure can happen; so, we do not blame, butprovide support. We engage regularly with others to continuously improve thinking, encouragecreativity and share our aspirations because aiming beyond means innovation boundaries can betested.We can build productive teams by:fostering collaboration and trust. We can create top-tier teams by presenting as one; not being abystander or watching anyone struggle alone. We will nurture everyone, whether choosing toremain in role or developing potential capability.We build productive teamsWe have a wide collection of skills already, but an environment of continuous learning is key. Sharelearning so others can develop expertise. Be conscious of your own gaps and seek support to closethem. See yourself as a team member of DID (Digital and Information Directorate) not just yourown team and engage others early to find/seek opportunities to collaborate.We can communicate well by:speaking professionally, listening openly, giving, and inviting feedback and valuing contributions. Bysharing examples of what good looks like we can inspire others;explaining what is expected and thestandards to work to.We always make our communication open and accessible, by using appropriatelanguage and terminology for the audience.We communicate with careWeare all different and bring something unique to the table. Seek to understand alternative viewsto your own. Weencourage polite challenge over confrontation. If we disagree, we presentas aunited front on decisions about services and don’t blame teammates, suppliers, or partners whentalking to others.We can be inclusive by:encouraging different views and voices, sharing individual experiences to build commonality, beingrespectful, creating a place where it is safe to speak up when coming to work feels anything otherthan positive.We are inclusiveWe are aware of the potential harm of unconscious bias. We challenge ourselves to reflect oftenand honestly, to remain aware of the effects and respect our differences. Embrace the uncertaintythat comes with difference and remain open to the possibilities of the unknown when choosingcollaborators.“If you need support, let us know. A culture where you feel empowered and confident to work thisway is our priority”. Work in Progress! This site is a work in progress and any opinions contained here are intended to spark discussion within each discipline's community of practice. Last update: 2024-01-16 Created: 2024-01-16 Was this page helpful? Help us improve this page by using our feedback form. Thanks for your feedback! Help us improve this page by using our feedback form. Thanks for your feedback!